Mayor of Waterford Cllr. Joe Conway (Ind) must have wondered if he had bitten off more then he could chew when he arrived Spraoi HQ to observe for himself the preparations for the inaugural Samhain festival.

MayorAfter chatting to photographer Patrick Brown and Spraoi’s TV Honan, and resplendent in the Mayoral chains, he turned to Emma Walsh only to find her also resplendent in her Morrigan, Celtic Goddess garb. However,Rabbit also possibly upstaging Waterford’s 1st Citizen, she brought her pet Rabbit “Chompers” along to the shoot.
The 6 month old Rabbit soon had the whole crew including the Mayor under its spell. The only worry was would it live up to its name and take a fancy to somebody’s fingers?

Happy to report it didn’t – but it did steal the Samhain crew show.


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